On June 14, the passengers on The Audacity of Hope sent this letter to Pres. Obama. Copies went to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and 12 members of the Administration and Congressional leadership. Call the White House – 202-456-1111 – and tell them you agree with the letter and expect the U.S. to take action to uphold the rights of peaceful citizens to safe passage on the seas.
Chomsky over de moord op Osama Bin Laden
“Same with the name, Operation Geronimo. The imperial mentality is so profound, throughout western society, that no one can perceive that they are glorifying bin Laden by identifying him with courageous resistance against genocidal invaders. It’s like naming our murder…
Chris Hedges Speaks on Osama bin Laden’s Death
I know that because of this announcement, that reportedly Osama bin Laden was killed, Bob [Truthdig Editor Robert Scheer] wanted me to say a few words about it … about al-Qaida. I spent a year of my life covering al-Qaida…
Plastic eilanden/plastic soep
De wereldwijde groei van de productie van plastics leidt onherroepelijk tot een milieuprobleem. Zonder maatregelen, zoals het sterk verminderen van plasticgebruik en betere recycling, eindigen de oceanen als ‘plastic soep.’
11 april 2003 De moord op Tom Hurndall
“…when I die, I want to smile because of the things I have done, not cry for the things I haven’t done.” Tom Hurndall Op 11 april 2003 werd de Britse fotografiestudent Tom Hurndall in het hoofd geschoten door een…
Redenen om de Israëlische bezetting van Gaza op te heffen
“It is something of an irony that a land whose timeless beauty has survived basically unchanged since biblical times is being transformed by a people who base their claim to it on biblical history. Ugly, ever-expanding Israeli settlements sprawl on…